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2020年6月24日 星期三


身為台灣人,每到佳節第一個想到的肯定不是要怎麼慶祝,而是該吃什麼應景。當然 #端午節 免不了就是大吃肉粽啦!#戰南北? #中國節日? 拜託!吃飽了再說吧!
但是,身為 #代謝症候群 的人們與 #糖尿病 的人們肯定又開始苦惱怎麼度過這煎熬的美食季節。是否連一口肉粽都不能吃呢?

其實,罪惡感並不是肉粽或鹼粽本身,而是 #醬料 啊此不知不覺就會攝取過多的糖份或鈉。小小一匙甜辣醬或是果糖都更容易讓血糖飆高或是增加腎臟負擔。
當然,粽子本身的餡料也是要注意, #肥肉、 #鹹蛋黃 都是盡量淺嚐即止。肉粽本身的糯米也比較容易影響血糖的穩定,糖尿病患者本身可以選擇五穀粽會比較保險。
最後,也請別忘記蔬菜多少額外吃點吶!更別忘記飯後也要吃 #易瑞得 #ERADER 保養一下喔!

科科祝大家 #端午節愉快
不!糖尿病會增加新型冠狀病毒 (COVID-19) 感染風險?

2020年6月19日 星期五



一、 美軍法 (Ackman, 2018)
1. 放鬆臉部肌肉
2. 放鬆肩膀並讓雙手自然垂放身子兩側
3. 呼氣,放鬆胸膛
4. 放鬆大腿、小腿
5. 完全不想任何東西或是放鬆的情境10秒
6. 如果上一步不管用,就想著「不要想」10秒
7. 想著或者不想.............睡著。

二、 4-7-8呼吸大法 (Legg, 2018)
0. 首先必須先練習要持續把舌頭頂在門牙的後方處,至少要可以維持到睡著
1. 些微張開嘴巴,並讓空氣慢慢呼出嘴巴並帶有嘶嘶聲
2. 然後閉上嘴巴,用鼻子輕輕把氣吸進肺部,並暗數1到4
3. 屏住呼吸,暗數1到7
4. 用嘴把吐氣,就像第一步,但這次暗數1到8
5. 重複步驟2到步驟4,並盡量不要太在意秒數或數字,讓週期盡量無心地自然完成
6. 有睡意了就睡著吧,不要再數1234了。

三、 漸進式肌肉放鬆 (PMR; Biggers, 2018)
PMR,全名為 Progressive muscle relaxation。此方法可以跟4-7-8呼吸一起使用喔!注意,請躺在床上執行。
1. 用力張大眼睛5秒,藉此緊繃前額肌肉
2. 瞬間放鬆,感覺前額肌肉好像洩氣了一樣,然後休息10秒
3. 用力裂嘴微笑5秒,藉此緊繃雙頰
4. 瞬間放鬆並休息10秒
5. 用力閉眼睛5秒,藉此緊繃眼皮
6. 瞬間放鬆並休息10秒
7. 稍微抬頭好像要看到床頭櫃一樣5秒
8. 放鬆讓頭回到枕頭10秒
9. 讓四肢往床尾方向用力延伸5秒 (假設你躺的姿勢正確)

其實除了上訴的三種方法外,這裡也十分推薦可以按壓手腕上的神門穴與內關穴,這兩個穴道也跟寧神鎮定有關。搭配貼上 #舒寧貼片 使用,效果更好喔!穴道位置如圖所示。


2020年6月17日 星期三



因為尿液的深淺其實就跟身體的水分是否充足有很大的影響。而身體是否太多或太少水,自然也跟健康有很大的影響,例如大腦認知能力(Adan, 2012)與男生性功能(Holland, 2017)都會因為身體缺少水分而出現障礙喔!

那應該要怎麼辨識呢?就請尿在馬桶後專心看一下,然後比對一下上面的圖片。(Wojcik, 2019)
1. 山泉:這表示你水喝太多啦!身體中的水分已經多到可能讓你有點頻尿。通常太多水是不太會有事,但也是有可能會稀釋掉身體中的電解質;嚴重者也可能水中毒。不過對大部分的人來說就是要常上廁所很不方便。
2. 檸檬水到淡啤酒:這種顏色基本上就是 #尿光譜 中最完美的顏色啦!請繼續保持。
3. 伯爵茶:看來你可能不太喜歡喝水,不然就是都喝飲料。這代表身體中需要的水分低於所獲取的水分。多喝點水吧!
4. 鐵觀音...或是氣泡可樂:老天鵝阿!不僅顏色很深,還有一堆泡泡?看來你可能有嚴重的脫水現象。不管是沒喝水、嘔吐或腹瀉都有可能造成身體嚴重脫水。還好大部分的人都可以靠喝大量的水來恢復應有的水分含量。但如果喝水還是無法解決問題,千萬別輕忽這些症狀,泡泡跟深色尿代表著血液中可能有太多的蛋白質或其他物質,這也表示腎臟或肝臟可能有問題。快去看醫生吧!


顏色 食物原因 病理因素
紅到粉紅 黑梅、甜菜根、大黃 血尿、排泄系統感染、癌症、內出血
橘色 紅蘿蔔、維他命B 脫水、肝臟膽管問題
藍色到綠色 蘆筍或食用色素 尿道感染、某些醫學顯影劑
紫色到靛青 食用色素 尿道感染、高鹼性尿液症
混濁 鯷、鯡、牛肉、大量牛奶 脫水、性病、尿道感染、腎結石、前列腺炎、陰道炎

或是多服用 #易瑞得 幫助補充營養喔!#美國使用者尿尿完後一致推薦 。

2020年6月12日 星期五

Terrible! Not just cardiovascular disease risks increased by eating too much high-fat food?

Eating a high-fat high-protein meal after getting off work or a greasy brunch on holidays has always been the first choice to relieve stress. Normally, after big meal, we might just concern about #diabetes or #obesity. But recently, scientists in the United States discovered that after eating a large amount of saturated fat meal, the concentration would decrease significantly. (Madison, 2020)

Scientists made a group of people to eat highly saturated fatty oil (animal oil) and another group of people to eat unsaturated fatty oil (like sunflower oil), then do the concentration test. As a result, they found the high saturated fat group had significantly reduced concentration, cognitive function and responsiveness.

Everyone must have heard of the theory that "eating too much, blood will flow to the stomach and cause sleepiness." But the truth is a nerve system effects our brain, which is " #Gut-Brain-Axis ". This
Gut-Brain Axis passes from the brain to the stomach and intestines, and allows the brain to receive a large amount of information from the stomach, and even the message of microbes in the stomach to affect the judgment or even our mood, so it is also called Microbiota-Gut-Brain Axis.(Appleton, 2018)

So the next time you eat a big meal, not only think about whether you will gain weight, but also think about whether your mind will become slow!

Or how about eating some #ERADER?

More details:


下班之後大吃一頓 #高脂高蛋白 的大餐或是假日來一頓油膩膩的早午餐一直都是上班族們紓壓首選。吃這些食物時,通常我們都只會想到 #糖尿病 或是 #肥胖 相關的問題。但最近,美國的科學家就發現──吃完大量飽和脂防的一餐後還會明顯減退 #專注力。(Madison, 2020)


至於為何吃飯會影響注意力。大家一定都有聽說過「吃太飽血會流到肚子導致想睡覺」這個理論。但真正主要的原因還是在於一條亂跑的神經──腸腦軸線。這條神經從大腦直通到腸胃,並讓大腦可以從肚子接受到大量的訊息,甚至讓腸胃中微生物影響到大腦的判斷甚至是心情,故又被稱為 #菌腸腦軸線。(Appleton, 2018)

所以下次再吃大餐的時候,不僅想想會不會變胖之外,也要好好想想大腦會不會呆掉啊!或是多吃個 #易瑞得 如何?


2020年6月6日 星期六

MILK! Dare to say whole milk is not good, time to face the fury of scientists! An epic revenge crossing 21 countries during 9 years! (Dramatic effect)

 There are many different opinions about the dairy products. Some people say you will get cancer by drinking cow milk, and others elaborate it can make you taller. In addition to the endless war between the fans of plant-based dairy and the fans of animal-based dairy, many "gunpowder" have been added within. Especially in Asia, plenty of Asians have #lactoseIntolerance, which causes more people to reject animal milk. not to mention that the whole milk is almost as evil as Coke in a lot of people's minds.

But is milk really so unbearable?

A group of scientists found a group of people in Europe and America to conduct dairy diet experiments, including milk, cheese, yogurt, etc. They found that a dairy diet can effectively control the risks of #hypertension (Appel et al., 1997) and #T2DM (Abbreviation of Type 2 diabetes mellitus; Kalergis, Yinko and Nedelcu, 2013).

However, some people will still say: "This is European and American research, maybe Asians could be the opposite!" the majority of scientists are #bad-tempered, and they will cost everything to prove they are right when they are provoked. Like Einstein, he wrote E=MC2 down furiously, because he was beaten up by aliens (unconfirmed,

Therefore, more than forty angry (unconfirmed) scientists devoted to an enormous experiment crossing 21 countries around the world, about 150,000 people, during more than 9 years from witnessing Fukushima nuclear disaster to COVID-19 pandemic. They just want to slap the person who thinks the milk is bad. We can see how deep the hatred is. (Bhavadharini, 2020)

This tremendous research indicates that more dairy product you eat, the lower the risk of #metabolism, #T2DM, and #hypertension! Moreover, the effect of #WholeMilk is much better than #LowFatMilk!

After this time-consuming and costly experiment, the following are the recommendations and conclusions of these experts: (Bhavadharini, 2020)
1. Eating full-fat dairy products at least twice per day, including milk, cheese, yogurt, etc., can reduce the risk of the diseases above by 24%.
2. Low fat only reduces the risk of metabolic syndrome and has no other significant effect, so low fat is not healthier than full-fat dairy products.
3. People with lactose intolerance should still be careful of the amount.

Last but not least, do not forget the #SoothePatch containing #peptide from milk and #ERADER that can help with related problems! More details:

2020年6月5日 星期五


對於乳製品的好壞,網路上有非常多不同的聲音。有人說喝了會得癌症、有人說喝了會長高。加上植物性奶品派與動物性奶品派之間永無止盡的戰爭,更為牛奶添加了許多的「調味料」。尤其在亞洲有更多的人有著 #乳糖不耐症,導致更多的人排斥牛奶。更別提全脂牛乳在很多人心目中的罪惡等級與可樂幾乎快一樣了。


有一群科學家為了破除迷思,便在歐美找了一群人進行乳品飲食的實驗,包含了牛奶、起司、優格等等。他們發現添加乳製品的飲食可以有效控制 #高血壓 (Appel et al., 1997) 與 #第二型糖尿病 (Kalergis, Yinko and Nedelcu, 2013) 的風險。

這時一定有人會說:「這是歐美研究,說不定亞洲人吃了不好!個案啦!」要知道,科學家絕大部分都是 #激不得 的,他們一受到激將法就會死命去證明。像愛因斯坦就是因為被外星人胖揍一頓,氣到把 E=MC2 寫下來 (未證實,。

因此,有四十多個氣噗噗的(未證實)科學家一氣之下做了一個超大型實驗,橫跨了全球21個國家,約15萬人,耗時9年多,見證了福島核災到武漢肺炎。他們就只想打覺得牛奶不好的人一巴掌,看這仇恨有多深。(Bhavadharini, 2020)

結果發現,多吃乳製品,#代謝症候群、#第二型糖尿病、#高血壓 的風險就越低!而且,#全脂乳 的效果遠好過 #低脂乳!

經過這耗時又巨資的實驗後,以下是專家們的建議與總結:(Bhavadharini, 2020)
1. 一天至少吃兩次全脂乳製品,包含了牛奶、起司、優格等等,可以減少上述疾病風險24%。
2. 低脂僅減少代謝症候群的風險,無其他效果,所以低脂不見得更健康。吃喝全脂乳製品最好。
3. 乳糖不耐症的人還是要小心點取合適量。

最後,一樣別忘了含 #牛奶胜肽 的 #舒寧貼片 與可幫助有相關問題的 #易瑞得 喔!更多詳情:  其他小知識:

2020年6月4日 星期四

Hungry! King trumpets eat bugs!?

When we think about #mushroom or fungus, we usually think they intake nutrient from dead or rotten organic matter, like your hard skin for your feet. However, the truth is they eat animals as well.

According to the research of researcher Hsueh from #AcademicSinica, some fungus, like king trumpets, will prey tiny bugs named Nematode, c. elegan for instance, when the nutrition from the soil is not enough for them. Their hunting skill is similar to Venus flytrap: setting trap attracting prey finding prey grabbing prey killing and feasting prey. (Academia Sinica, 2020) The venom king trumpet used is just like neural venom of snake: paralyzing body by disturbing the ion of neuron transmitter. Watch the video below:

Sometimes we might think what those researches are contributing. But #science is accumulating small piece by small piece to create the modern world we live. Maybe one day we could use an eco-friendly insecticide made by mushroom!

Are you hungry after reading this? Do not forget to get some #ERADER while eating roast king trumpets in the night market.


2020年6月3日 星期三



根據 #中央研究院 薛研究員的研究, #杏鮑菇 之類的真菌類是會捕食線蟲的。當這些菇菇所在環境不夠營養時,他們就會啟動"下毒"機制,開始引誘並捕食線蟲。原理有點像捕蟲植物,如捕蠅草等──設下陷阱 → 吸引獵物 → 發現獵物 → 抓住獵物 → 飽餐一頓!(Academia Sinica, 2020) 其中真菌用的毒有點類似蛇的神經毒,擾亂神經傳導的鈣離子導致身體麻痺。真實影片請點這裡 (無血腥,請放心):

有時候我們會想,這些研究到底有何用處?但 #科學 就是一點一滴的累積才有今天的摩登 #科技 。說不定日後某種生化環保殺蟲劑就是杏鮑菇製作的呢!在疫情當下,也請大家為努力不懈的科學家們一起打氣加油!

看到杏鮑菇是餓了呢?到夜市吃烤杏鮑菇也別忘記補充所需營養與 #易瑞得 喔!
