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2020年5月31日 星期日

Sad! What should ancient people do while insomnia?

#Insomnia is a common illness. However, during various medication or therapies, insomnia could be relieved more or less. Although some people say that insomnia is a modern disease, in ancient times, perhaps some princes, nobles, or scholars had also suffered from insomnia. (At least the opera sings like this: Nessun dorma) So, is there any other way to treat it in that time?

In ancient India, there was a treatment called #Shirodhara. Shiro represents the head, and Dhara means the flow. Like the name, dripping water on his forehead made him fall asleep. Indians usually use essential oils, herbal water, milk or pure water. Intentional video

In India, a group of scientists conducted an experiment in order to confirm the benefits of #AncientTherapy. (Pokharel and Sharma, 2010) They found there was a good improvement in sleep quality. In addition, milk might be the best in Shirodhara. However, they said the mechanism was difficult to explain. One possibility is that warm milk poured on the forehead is very comfortable and stimulate brain’s signal of sleep. Another explanation by ancient yoga is Shirodhara can restore Sanjnavaha Srotas to calmness, increase Kapha Dosha and suppress Vata and Pitta Doshas. Okay, I have no idea what these words mean either.

In any case, if you don’t have the opportunity to taste the comfort of Shirodhara, the #calmpatch containing #peptides can also soothe nervousness! Please visit our website:

Note: Calm patch is not recommended to be attached to the forehead. If you want to apply it, please fully disinfect it and apply essential oils before using it.

2020年5月30日 星期六


#失眠 是一種常見的疾病。但現在透過藥物或各種療法,多少可以舒緩失眠之苦。雖然有人說失眠是種文明病,但在古代,或許有些王公貴族或是文人騷士多多少少也曾受到失眠之苦,例如 #杜蘭朵公主。 (至少歌劇是這樣唱的:公主徹夜未眠) 那他們除了 #徹夜未眠 外,是否還有其他方法治療呢?

在古印度,有種療法就叫做 #Shirodhara。shiro代表頭部,dhara 代表水流。顧名思義就是在額頭上滴水讓他睡著。通常印度人會使用精油、藥草水、牛奶或單純的水。意示影片。

在印度,有群科學家為了證實 #祖國古早療法 的好處,便依此做了個實驗。(Pokharel and Sharma, 2010) 他們找了一群失眠的人,確認他們目前失眠狀況後便開始了Shirodhara療程。在一輪之後,發現不管在睡眠品質或是入睡速度上都有良好的改善。其中又以牛奶做的Shirodhara最好。至於原因,他們也說很難解釋。其中一種可能性就是溫牛奶倒在額頭很舒服會刺激大腦睡眠。另一種古瑜珈的解釋是因為Shirodhara 可以讓Sanjnavaha Srotas 恢復平靜,增加Kapha Dosha並抑制 Vata與 Pitta Doshas。好吧,我也不懂。

無論如何,如果沒機會品嘗到Shirodhara的舒適,含有 #牛奶胜肽 的 #舒寧貼片 也是可以舒緩緊繃神經的喔!請見:


2020年5月28日 星期四

Exactly, what is PSA patch

While you enjoy the comfortable and cozy #PatchPark, have you ever think about what #PSA is?

PSA, Pressure-sensitive adhesive, is commonly used in various applications, such as artificial skin, band-aid and memo sticker. The definition of PSA is to achieve a good adhesive effect by applying a slight pressure in a short period easily. This can moisturize the surface as quickly as fluid, but when removed, it can leave as solid. Because the PSA is permanently sticky at room temperature, it is usually covered with release paper and film to prevent being contaminated.

#PatchPark can provide proper moisturizing and tightness for the active ingredients, and strengthen the high adhesion of the active ingredient to the skin. In addition, its back material has the "unidirectional stretch" feature, which can provide sufficient "anti-tension" and "down-force" to force small molecules through the skin to reach the microvessels and then transport it to the body. It is like an invisible hand pressing the active ingredients into the skin, which can enter the body more effectively and quickly than the traditional patch.

Currently, #PatchPark is also recruiting more trial users. If you are interested, please contact us directly via Facebook or the official website

2020年5月27日 星期三


在享受 #貼片樂園 帶來的舒適與良好感受的同時,是否也懷疑著何謂 #感壓貼片 嗎?

感壓膠的定義就是施以輕微的壓力在短時間內,即可達成良好接著效果的接著劑。這能類似流體一樣快速濕潤表面、但撥離時又能如同固體般的離開披著物。因為感壓膠在室溫具有永久黏性,通常需用離型紙、膜覆蓋,防止感壓膠表面受到汙染。(kk-tack, 2011)

至於感壓貼片有何好處。#貼片樂園 的貼片都是用專利的新型皮膚用貼片。讓其可提供有效成分適當的濕度與密閉性,加強有效成分與皮膚高度密合性。除此之外,它的背材具有「單向伸展」的特性,能提供足夠的「抗張力」與「下壓力」,強迫成分小分子穿過角質與表皮層到達皮膚微血管進而輸送到身體內部。就像一隻無形的手把有效成分壓進皮膚底層,比傳統貼布能更有效、快速進入到體內。

目前 #貼片樂園 也正在募集更多試用者,如果您有興趣,請直接透過Facebook或官網 聯絡我們喔!

2020年5月22日 星期五

Wow! Drinking coffee could prevent Type II diabetes?

Ok! Conclusion first! The answer is “yes.”
#coffee is working for decreasing the risk of #diabetes.

There are some advantages proved in long-term coffee consumption. (Ranheim and Halvorsen, 2005)
1. Decreasing small dense LDL (a kind of bad cholesterol
2. Decreasing G6P (related to blood sugar
3. Increasing insulin sensitivity
4. Increasing fat oxidation
5. Increasing mobilization of glycogen
6. Increasing lipolysis
7. Decreasing body fat
So technically, consuming coffee could help to lose your weight as well. Additionally, it could reduce the risk of coronary artery disease.
Furthermore, you drink more, it works better! Who consume >6 cups of coffee per day have the lowest risk of diabetes compared to other people. (Salazar-Martinez, 2004)
The scientists also indicated that decaf coffee and tea are as good as normal coffee as well. (Dam, 2006)

BUT! Please, pay attention! These researches were based on black coffee or espresso without any sugar or milk, which might ironically increase the risk. Moreover, what kind of substance makes coffee work on preventing diabetes is unknown, so please drinking coffee directly, instead of taking extract of coffee or caffeine. (Huxley, 2009)
If you are an Asian, you might consider your gene is not suitable for too much coffee as well. It might cause palpitations. Last but not least, considering coffee is -10 for risk of diabetes, but eating too much and bad lifestyle could be +1000 for risk of diabetes. In conclusion, a #GoodLifestyle and adequate/balanced diet is the most important way to keep healthy.

Such a good beverage, why could you resist? Additionally, fresh coffee bean is the best coffee bean. Come to visit our good and decent freshly baked #LazaCoffee.
At the same time, #ERADER which could help stimulating ERAD and antioxidize* could be good for your health as well!

*these statements was examined in vivo and in vitro, and not been approved by FDA yet.

2020年5月21日 星期四


#咖啡 的確對於 #預防第二型糖尿病 有效。
長期喝咖啡被證實有以下功效 (Ranheim and Halvorsen, 2005)
1. 減少LDL (不好的膽固醇
2. 減少G6P (血糖相關
3. 增加對胰島素的敏感度
4. 氧化脂肪
5. 增加肝糖作用
6. 減少體脂肪
7. 分解脂肪
更誇張的是,喝越多越賺!一天喝六杯以上咖啡的男生女生得到糖尿病的風險最低!(Salazar-Martinez, 2004)
多篇科學報導也指出 #低咖啡因咖啡 效果不比一般咖啡差,這就表示喝decaf咖啡也可以;還有茶也可能一樣。(Dam, 2006)

但、是!請注意,這些效果都是以純黑咖啡或濃縮咖啡去探討的,要是加了一堆糖跟奶精或牛奶,都會反而導致心血管疾病或糖尿病的風險增加。加上目前到底是哪些物質保護了血糖尚未釐清 。(Huxley, 2009) 請直接喝黑咖啡,而不是吃下一大堆標榜咖啡萃取的保健品。而亞洲人先天上基因對於咖啡的耐受性本身就比較低,喝太多可能會有心悸等問題,這也請三思。最後,假設咖啡對於糖尿病的風險是-10,那大吃大喝或是不正常作息對於風險的增加可能是+1000,那喝再多咖啡也沒用吶!總而言之,良好的生活態度與適度的飲食才是健康不二法門喔!

這麼好的飲品,還不快來多喝喝?喝咖啡就要喝最新鮮烘焙的! #拉札咖啡 等你喔!
在喝咖啡預防糖尿病的同時,擁有加強ERAD與抗氧化*的 #ERADER #易瑞得 也可以相輔相成喔!


2020年5月17日 星期日

Who? Who was the first tried to save women from painful menstruation?

Mother’s Day just passed, but a thankful heart to mother should ever last. <3

Here, we are going to share a story about a great scientist and the fighter of gender equality - Clelia Duel #Mosher.

Mosher was born in 1863, New York. Because of her physician father, she was very interested in biology and medicine. After she grew up, she got the master and M.D. degree from Stanford University and Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine respectively.

Mosher had researched a spectacular subject, #menstruation, which no one had ever wanted to devote in that period. She had surveyed 2000 women and 12000 menstruation cycles, and realized that personal hygiene is one of the most important reasons to induce menstrual cramps. To tackle cramps, she invented the Mosher breathing exercise, which might be the old type of #CoreExercises, and also she might be the first American doctor who advocated core exercises to alleviate the cramps.

In that conservational Victorian era, a woman who wore corset and kept obeyed and silent was the best woman. However, as a college student, Mosher broke the taboo to gather the data about women's sexual habits. She surveyed 47 high and middle class women. As a result, 35 women elaborated they desired sex and did birth control. This result has shown the true face of Victorian women. Nevertheless, this survey had never been published by Mosher because of the atmosphere of society until Stanford University did it in 1973. This research not only revealed the life of Victorian women and also inspired the #feminism.

Mosher was a great scientist and a pioneer of #GentleEquality. In 1932, she wrote: “Born into a world of unlimited opportunity, the woman of the rising generation will answer the question of what woman's real capacities are."

Mosher breathing exercise could help to decrease the pain of menstruation. With #soothepatch, the cramps could be alleviated more! More details:

Related book: Mosher, C. D. (1923). Woman's physical freedom. New York: The Womans press.

2020年5月16日 星期六


雖然母親節剛過,但 #感謝母親 的心應該永不停止。<3
這裡我們要跟大家分享一位偉大的科學家與兩性平權鬥士──克萊利亞‧杜‧ #穆歇 (Clelia Duel #Mosher)。


穆歇在學校期間曾開始了一個前無古人的重大研究── #月經。他從兩千名女性、一萬兩千次月經週期取得龐大的數據,更奠定了女性生理相關研究的基石。他發現了骯髒與錯誤的個人衛生習慣是經痛的主因之一。為了解決經痛,更發明了 #穆歇呼吸運動──此乃 #核心肌群運動 的先驅。因此,穆歇也可能是美國第一位指導女性利用核心肌群運動來減緩經痛的醫師。

在那極度保守的維多利亞年代,穿著馬甲、三從四德才是最完美的女性。但當時為大學生的穆歇竟打破了禁忌,尋訪了47名中高社會階級的女性關於他們對於性事的想法,發現在那極度保守的年代,竟然還是有35名女性願意說出:他們渴望並享受性愛,而非只是為了生育。這研究由於太過禁忌,穆歇並沒有發表之,一直到1973年才被史丹佛大學發現並發表。此研究不僅完美保存了19世紀初期女性的面貌,更間接啟發了近代 #女權運動。

他不僅是那年代偉大的科學家,更是 #兩性平權主義 的先河。穆歇在1932年寫道:「出生在一個擁有無限可能的事件,崛起的新女性將會回答出女性真正的能耐為何。」

#穆歇呼吸運動 是能有效舒緩經痛問題,若加上 #筋爽貼片 可以更加舒適喔!想試用或想知道更多詳情請參閱:

相關書籍: Mosher, C. D. (1923). Woman's physical freedom. New York: The Womans press.

2020年5月14日 星期四

No! Diabetes mellitus might increase the risk of COVID-19 infection?

In May, #COVID19 (a.k.a. SARS-CoV2 and #Coronavirus) is still wildly torturing the world. Although the #pandemic is slowing down, we still need to be vigilant, especially diabetes patients. Because some scientists indicate that #obesity, #hypertension and #diabetes patients might be easier to be infected by COVID-19. (The Economist, 2020) Compared to other COVID-19 patients, the lung of diabetes COVID-19 patients shows more severe pathological change. (Fig. below, Guo et al., 2020)
The reason might be the medicine of diabetes mellitus and hypertension, because these medicines can increase the number of a human cellular receptor, #ACE2, which is also the receptor for COVID-19 to infect human cells. (Fang, Karakiulakis and Rotha, 2020) However, it is really dangerous to stop taking the medication, so dont do that.

There are some tips given from medical specialists for diabetes mellitus, except personal hygiene and avoiding the crowd. (Gupta et al.,2020)
1. It is important that people with diabetes maintain a good glycaemic control, as it might help in reducing the risk of infection and also the severity. More frequent monitoring of blood glucose levels is required.
2. Patients with diabetes and co-existing heart disease or kidney disease need special care and attempts should be made to stabilise their cardiac/renal status.
3. Attention to nutrition and adequate protein intake is important. Any deficiencies of minerals and vitamins need to be taken care of.
4. Exercise has been shown to improve immunity, but do it at home or alone.
5. It is important to take influenza and pneumonia vaccinations. The latter may decrease chances of secondary bacterial pneumonia after respiratory viral infection, however, data in present viral epidemic is not available.

Anyway, to end this pandemic, cooperation of everyone is required. Keeping good personal hygiene, avoiding the crowded place and following the government advice and roles could be helpful. The pandemic will be over soon!

Additionally, the diabetes patients who need attention to nutrition and adequate protein intake could be helped by pure-herb and made-in-USA #ERAD Plus Pre-D and #ERAD. Hope everyone is healthy! More information: